Coastal Track and Trail Runners - CTTR
Acknowledgement, Release, and Indemnity – Trails and Tails
(Port Macquarie Event)
This is an important document which affects your legal rights and obligations. You must read it carefully prior to entering the ‘Trails and Tails’ (Event/Race). When you do your on-line entry, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm you have read and understood this form. This is an especially important form for the race. All participants and late entries will be asked to sign one of these forms at Rego/Check-in. Please re-read it before coming to Rego/Check-in. You need to be aware of the risks of participating in the Event/Race.
In consideration of Coastal Track and Trail Runners CTTR (the “Event/Race Organisers”) accepting my participation in any of the ‘Trails and Tails’ (Event/Race) to be held at either Cairncross SF 25th May 2025 and/or Landsdowne SF 24th August 2025 (the “Event/Race”) I Agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk.
1. I have read and understood the relevant the ‘Trails and Tails’ Competitor Briefing document and information relating to the event/race for the ‘Trails and Tails.
2. I understand the demanding physical nature of the event/race. I declare, as a condition of entry to the event/race, that I have sufficiently trained for this event/race and that I am not aware of any illness, COVID-19, injury or any other physical disability which may cause me injury or death whilst participating in the event/race.
3. Prior to race start or in the Event/Race that I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, or I am otherwise sick or runny nose, dry throat or any other COVID 19 symptoms or have COVID-19 or injured prior to or during the event/race, I will withdraw from the event/race.
4. I acknowledge that participating in the event/race is a dangerous activity and that by such participation I am exposed to certain risks. I acknowledge that the enjoyment of trail running is derived in part from the inherent risks and exertion beyond the accepted safety of life at home or at work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and are a reason for my participation in the event/race.
5. The event organisers CTTR may at their sole discretion, refuse event entry or cancel an event entry (with full refund) to any person for any reason whatsoever.
6. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Trails and Tails:
• I may be injured, physically or mentally, or may die from various causes including, but not limited to, over exertion, dehydration, cardiac arrest, slips, trips or falls, accidents with other participants, spectators and road users, or accidents caused by my own actions;
• I may be infected or may die from various causes including, but limited to, someone at the event without their knowledge may have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 prior to the event and have no symptoms prior to starting the race and find out later that they had COVID-19 and may have given it to anyone they may have come into contact with or even die from the result of contracting COVID-19 from that contact;
• My personal property may be lost or damaged.
• The conditions in which the event/race is conducted may vary without warning.
• I may cause injury to other persons or damage their property.
• I assume the risk and responsibility for any injury, death, contracting COVID-19 or property damage resulting from my participation in the event/race.
• I may be in a remote or isolated location where access to medical support may be limited and take significant time to reach me.
• There may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured.
7. I agree that if I am injured or require medical assistance, the event/race organisers may, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the event/race organisers. ‘Trails and Tails’ does not have personal accident insurance for runners.
We recommend that you arrange your own personal accident insurance, ambulance cover and income protection insurance before participating in the event/race to cover any unforeseen personal costs you may incur due to ambulance trips, medical expenses or time off work due to injuries sustained whilst participating in the event/race. I agree that I am responsible for my own medical and ambulance insurance cover.
8. I understand that my medical history and personal information, collected as part of the entry process for the event/race will be made available, if I am evacuated from the event/race by emergency services, medical team or operations team, this personal information plus any new data entered by Event/Race staff will be supplied to the Emergency Services staff to enable my continued care.
9. I agree to allow my name, results, photographs, videos, multimedia or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by Coastal Sports Warehouse CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners, photography, the sponsors, event partners or assigns without payment or compensation.
10. I also agree that in the event I am injured, contract COVID-19 or my property is damaged, I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the event/race organisers in respect to that injury or damage.
11. I agree to abide by the event/race briefing rules and the directions of all event/race officials.
12. I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the event/race organisers (CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners), its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, public bodies, landholders and sponsors, from and against any and all claims, demands, right or cause of action, suits, expenses, costs and proceedings of any nature whatsoever which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me or my property as a result of my entry or participation in the event/race whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever. (This is an event/race. The Runners make use of facilities at their own risk and without express permission from event/race organisers or the state forest or council authorities.)
13. I acknowledge that my image may be taken by an event/race photographer and the event/race photographer may contact me after the event/race to offer for sale images of me at the event/race.
14. I acknowledge that the Event/Race organisers may change the advertised course without notice if the event/race organisers deem this necessary. I also acknowledge that the event/race organisers may cancel the event/race due to weather conditions, safety considerations, terrorism or ‘acts of god’ and in such circumstances my entry fee will be non-refundable.
If under 18years: Guardian Name: ……………………………...................................… Guardian
BIB NO. ___________________________
DOG BIB NO. ___________________________
In consideration of Coastal Track and Trail Runners CTTR (the “Event/Race Organisers”) accepting my participation and my dog’s attendance in any of the ‘Trails and Tails’ (Event/Race) to be held at Cairncross SF 25th May 2025 and/or Landsdowne SF 24th August 2025 (the “Event/Race”) I Agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk. I also assert that I own, harbour, or have custody of the dog that I am attending the event with and take full responsibility for any of its actions whilst at the event.
I also understand that Coastal Track and Trail Runners, or any of its official event volunteers, reserve the right to ask me to leave this event for any reason. I agree to abide by the following rules and regulations as set forth by Coastal Track and Trail Runners. Failure to follow the rules will result in our removal from the event without refund.
1. I understand that I assume all responsibility for my pet and its behavior/conduct during this event. I understand that my actions or my dog’s actions may result in anticipated or unanticipated injuries and damage to myself and others, including my dog, as well as others and their dogs.
2. I understand the demanding physical nature of the event/race. I declare, as a condition of entry to the event/race, that I and my dog/s have sufficiently trained for this event/race and that I am not aware of any illness, COVID-19, injury or any other physical disability which may cause me injury or death whilst participating in the event/race.
3. Prior to race start or in the event/race that I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, or I am otherwise sick or runny nose, dry throat or any other COVID 19 symptoms or have COVID-19 or injured prior to or during the event/race, I will withdraw from the event/race.
4. I acknowledge that participating in the event/race is a dangerous activity and that by such participation I am exposed to certain risks. I acknowledge that the enjoyment of trail running is derived in part from the inherent risks and exertion beyond the accepted safety of life at home or at work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and are a reason for my participation in the event/race.
5. The event organisers CTTR may at their sole discretion, refuse event entry or cancel an event entry (with full refund) to any person for any reason whatsoever.
6. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Trails and Tails, as an owner of the dogs that I am attending the event with, that I must agree to do the following whilst at the event. Failure to do so will result in removal from the event without refund.
Participants are expected to practice responsible pet ownership.
All dogs must be on leads, hands-free leads are preferable. There are no retractable leads allowed at the events. They can cause people, children, and other dogs to trip and injure themselves.
All dogs must be wearing a collar with identification tag, so if missing and found, owner/carer can be notified.
All dogs must be social and non-aggressive toward people or other dogs (this take training)
Dogs must remain within 1.2m of its owner at all times.
Owners and carers must clean up after their dogs. You must bring poo bags to pick up the poo. So please come prepared to clean up after your dog.
All dogs must have a reasonable fit level and be exercised regularly leading up to the event.
Dogs like humans must not be carrying an injury or be in an unhealthy condition. This is a trail running/walking event that requires a healthy fitness level to attend.
Dogs must be at least 6 months of age to be able to participate in the 4km race. If TAT feels that your dogs is not at least 6 months of age owner/carer will have to prove the age of dog/s. The age of each dog should be on their vaccination card, which you will have to bring to the event.
Please bring your own dog bowl for water and a fold up one for on course and extra water. Dogs get very thirsty like people. They like to drink out of their own bowl.
7. I agree that if I am injured or my dog requires medical assistance, the event/race organisers may, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the event/race organisers. ‘Trails and Tails’ does not have personal accident insurance for runners or their dogs.
We recommend that you arrange your own personal accident insurance for your dogs, before participating in the event/race to cover any unforeseen personal costs you may incur due to vet trips, medical expenses sustained whilst participating in the event/race. I agree that I am responsible for my own and my dogs medical and ambulance insurance cover.
8. I agree to allow my name and my dogs name, results, photographs, videos, multimedia, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners, photography, the sponsors, event partners or assigns without payment or compensation.
9. I also agree that in the event I am injured, or my dog is injured, contract COVID-19 or my property is damaged, I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the event/race organisers in respect to that injury or damage.
10. I agree to abide by the event/race briefing Rules and the directions of all event/race officials.
11. I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the event/race organisers (CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners), its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, public bodies, landholders and sponsors, from and against any and all claims, demands, right or cause of action, suits, expenses, costs and proceedings of any nature whatsoever which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me, my dog or my property as a result of my entry or participation in the event/race whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever. (This is an event/race. The runners make use of facilities at their own risk and without express permission from event/race organisers or the state forest or council authorities.)
12. I acknowledge that my image and my dogs’ image may be taken by an event/race photographer and the event/race photographer may contact me after the event/race to offer for sale images of me at the event/race.
13. I acknowledge that the event/race organisers may change the advertised course without notice if the event/race organisers deem this necessary. I also acknowledge that the event/race organisers may cancel the event/race due to weather conditions, safety considerations, terrorism or ‘acts of god’ and in such circumstances my entry fee will be non-refundable.
If under 18years: Guardian Name: ……………………………...................................… Guardian

Coastal Track and Trail Runners - CTTR
Acknowledgement, Release, and Indemnity – Trails and Tails
(Coopernook Event)
This is an important document which affects your legal rights and obligations. You must read it carefully prior to entering the ‘Trails and Tails’ (Event/Race). When you do your on-line entry, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm you have read and understood this form. This is an especially important form for the race. All participants and late entries will be asked to sign one of these forms at Rego/Check-in. Please re-read it before coming to Rego/Check-in. You need to be aware of the risks of participating in the Event/Race.
In consideration of Coastal Track and Trail Runners CTTR (the “Event/Race Organisers”) accepting my participation in any of the ‘Trails and Tails’ (Event/Race) to be held at Coopernook SF 15th September 2024 (the “Event/Race”) I Agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk.
1. I have read and understood the relevant the ‘Trails and Tails’ Competitor Briefing document and information relating to the event/race for the ‘Trails and Tails.
2. I understand the demanding physical nature of the event/race. I declare, as a condition of entry to the event/race, that I have sufficiently trained for this event/race and that I am not aware of any illness, COVID-19, injury or any other physical disability which may cause me injury or death whilst participating in the event/race.
3. Prior to race start or in the Event/Race that I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, or I am otherwise sick or runny nose, dry throat or any other COVID 19 symptoms or have COVID-19 or injured prior to or during the event/race, I will withdraw from the event/race.
4. I acknowledge that participating in the event/race is a dangerous activity and that by such participation I am exposed to certain risks. I acknowledge that the enjoyment of trail running is derived in part from the inherent risks and exertion beyond the accepted safety of life at home or at work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and are a reason for my participation in the event/race.
5. The event organisers CTTR may at their sole discretion, refuse event entry or cancel an event entry (with full refund) to any person for any reason whatsoever.
6. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Trails and Tails:
• I may be injured, physically or mentally, or may die from various causes including, but not limited to, over exertion, dehydration, cardiac arrest, slips, trips or falls, accidents with other participants, spectators and road users, or accidents caused by my own actions;
• I may be infected or may die from various causes including, but limited to, someone at the event without their knowledge may have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 prior to the event and have no symptoms prior to starting the race and find out later that they had COVID-19 and may have given it to anyone they may have come into contact with or even die from the result of contracting COVID-19 from that contact;
• My personal property may be lost or damaged.
• The conditions in which the event/race is conducted may vary without warning.
• I may cause injury to other persons or damage their property.
• I assume the risk and responsibility for any injury, death, contracting COVID-19 or property damage resulting from my participation in the event/race.
• I may be in a remote or isolated location where access to medical support may be limited and take significant time to reach me.
• There may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured.
7. I agree that if I am injured or require medical assistance, the event/race organisers may, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the event/race organisers. ‘Trails and Tails’ does not have personal accident insurance for runners.
We recommend that you arrange your own personal accident insurance, ambulance cover and income protection insurance before participating in the event/race to cover any unforeseen personal costs you may incur due to ambulance trips, medical expenses or time off work due to injuries sustained whilst participating in the event/race. I agree that I am responsible for my own medical and ambulance insurance cover.
8. I understand that my medical history and personal information, collected as part of the entry process for the event/race will be made available, if I am evacuated from the event/race by emergency services, medical team or operations team, this personal information plus any new data entered by Event/Race staff will be supplied to the Emergency Services staff to enable my continued care.
9. I agree to allow my name, results, photographs, videos, multimedia or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by Coastal Sports Warehouse CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners, photography, the sponsors, event partners or assigns without payment or compensation.
10. I also agree that in the event I am injured, contract COVID-19 or my property is damaged, I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the event/race organisers in respect to that injury or damage.
11. I agree to abide by the event/race briefing rules and the directions of all event/race officials.
12. I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the event/race organisers (CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners), its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, public bodies, landholders and sponsors, from and against any and all claims, demands, right or cause of action, suits, expenses, costs and proceedings of any nature whatsoever which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me or my property as a result of my entry or participation in the event/race whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever. (This is an event/race. The Runners make use of facilities at their own risk and without express permission from event/race organisers or the state forest or council authorities.)
13. I acknowledge that my image may be taken by an event/race photographer and the event/race photographer may contact me after the event/race to offer for sale images of me at the event/race.
14. I acknowledge that the Event/Race organisers may change the advertised course without notice if the event/race organisers deem this necessary. I also acknowledge that the event/race organisers may cancel the event/race due to weather conditions, safety considerations, terrorism or ‘acts of god’ and in such circumstances my entry fee will be non-refundable.
If under 18years: Guardian Name: ……………………………...................................… Guardian
BIB NO. ___________________________
DOG BIB NO. ___________________________
In consideration of Coastal Track and Trail Runners CTTR (the “Event/Race Organisers”) accepting my participation and my dog’s attendance in any of the ‘Trails and Tails’ (Event/Race) to be held at Coopernook SF 15th September 2024 (the “Event/Race”) I Agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk. I also assert that I own, harbour, or have custody of the dog that I am attending the event with and take full responsibility for any of its actions whilst at the event.
I also understand that Coastal Track and Trail Runners, or any of its official event volunteers, reserve the right to ask me to leave this event for any reason. I agree to abide by the following rules and regulations as set forth by Coastal Track and Trail Runners. Failure to follow the rules will result in our removal from the event without refund.
1. I understand that I assume all responsibility for my pet and its behavior/conduct during this event. I understand that my actions or my dog’s actions may result in anticipated or unanticipated injuries and damage to myself and others, including my dog, as well as others and their dogs.
2. I understand the demanding physical nature of the event/race. I declare, as a condition of entry to the event/race, that I and my dog/s have sufficiently trained for this event/race and that I am not aware of any illness, COVID-19, injury or any other physical disability which may cause me injury or death whilst participating in the event/race.
3. Prior to race start or in the event/race that I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, or I am otherwise sick or runny nose, dry throat or any other COVID 19 symptoms or have COVID-19 or injured prior to or during the event/race, I will withdraw from the event/race.
4. I acknowledge that participating in the event/race is a dangerous activity and that by such participation I am exposed to certain risks. I acknowledge that the enjoyment of trail running is derived in part from the inherent risks and exertion beyond the accepted safety of life at home or at work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and are a reason for my participation in the event/race.
5. The event organisers CTTR may at their sole discretion, refuse event entry or cancel an event entry (with full refund) to any person for any reason whatsoever.
6. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Trails and Tails, as an owner of the dogs that I am attending the event with, that I must agree to do the following whilst at the event. Failure to do so will result in removal from the event without refund.
Participants are expected to practice responsible pet ownership.
All dogs must be on leads, hands-free leads are preferable. There are no retractable leads allowed at the events. They can cause people, children, and other dogs to trip and injure themselves.
All dogs must be wearing a collar with identification tag, so if missing and found, owner/carer can be notified.
All dogs must be social and non-aggressive toward people or other dogs (this take training)
Dogs must remain within 1.2m of its owner at all times.
Owners and carers must clean up after their dogs. You must bring poo bags to pick up the poo. So please come prepared to clean up after your dog.
All dogs must have a reasonable fit level and be exercised regularly leading up to the event.
Dogs like humans must not be carrying an injury or be in an unhealthy condition. This is a trail running/walking event that requires a healthy fitness level to attend.
Dogs must be at least 6 months of age to be able to participate in the 4km race. If TAT feels that your dogs is not at least 6 months of age owner/carer will have to prove the age of dog/s. The age of each dog should be on their vaccination card, which you will have to bring to the event.
Please bring your own dog bowl for water and a fold up one for on course and extra water. Dogs get very thirsty like people. They like to drink out of their own bowl.
7. I agree that if I am injured or my dog requires medical assistance, the event/race organisers may, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the event/race organisers. ‘Trails and Tails’ does not have personal accident insurance for runners or their dogs.
We recommend that you arrange your own personal accident insurance for your dogs, before participating in the event/race to cover any unforeseen personal costs you may incur due to vet trips, medical expenses sustained whilst participating in the event/race. I agree that I am responsible for my own and my dogs medical and ambulance insurance cover.
8. I agree to allow my name and my dogs name, results, photographs, videos, multimedia, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners, photography, the sponsors, event partners or assigns without payment or compensation.
9. I also agree that in the event I am injured, or my dog is injured, contract COVID-19 or my property is damaged, I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the event/race organisers in respect to that injury or damage.
10. I agree to abide by the event/race briefing Rules and the directions of all event/race officials.
11. I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the event/race organisers (CTTR Coastal Track and Trail Runners), its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, public bodies, landholders and sponsors, from and against any and all claims, demands, right or cause of action, suits, expenses, costs and proceedings of any nature whatsoever which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me, my dog or my property as a result of my entry or participation in the event/race whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever. (This is an event/race. The runners make use of facilities at their own risk and without express permission from event/race organisers or the state forest or council authorities.)
12. I acknowledge that my image and my dogs’ image may be taken by an event/race photographer and the event/race photographer may contact me after the event/race to offer for sale images of me at the event/race.
13. I acknowledge that the event/race organisers may change the advertised course without notice if the event/race organisers deem this necessary. I also acknowledge that the event/race organisers may cancel the event/race due to weather conditions, safety considerations, terrorism or ‘acts of god’ and in such circumstances my entry fee will be non-refundable.
If under 18years: Guardian Name: ……………………………...................................… Guardian